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Joining ACSA is a commitment to the future of Humanity.  We do not compromise on the basis of economic greed, business or political partisanship.

Click Here to Join (or renew) your personal ACSA membership.  You will be charged $35 (US) for a 1 year standard membership, which money is then used by the ACSA solely for ACSA programs (we do not have salaried employees).  As part of payment of your registration fee, you will provide your name, address, phone and email. This information is kept confidential and never given out to third parties, unless you opt in to any affinity programs. Existing members who are renewing their membership should continue to use the email address they gave ACSA previously to maintain continuity when they render payment.  Your personal information will be kept confidential, we will not receive any information about your credit card or bank account at all, as the payment processor will confirm your address independently and upon payment being rendered, submits only your name, address, phone, email and the payment to the ACSA.

Why Join the ACSA?

ACSA is committed to solving many problems facing Humanity.  We have a firm belief that exposing the truth can work wonders.  It is because of that, we have published articles about Tobacco's radioactive component, about the origins of the Electronic Computer in UK's war effort, and the story of IBM's contributing technology to assist Nazi Germany and the Holocaust.  These are vital lessons everyone needs to learn.

We will also help you make your voice heard and assist you in developing your future.  You can in return, help us continue to make a very, very big difference.  We are not about commerce.  We are about Freedom, and the quality of Human Life.


The American Computer Science Association Inc. is a charitable research foundation organized by a group of computer scientists originally in the 1980s.  Starting with a mere 9,000+ members, with the advent of the modern Internet ACSA has grown steadily and now has 2,536,230 comp-sci members, and 7 million+ "associate" members. 

Our stated goals are to help advance computer technology, our industry, and to provide a commonality for all members of society to turn to.  Among our many programs are:

1. Consumer Concerns? -
We are a consumer watchdog group who follows and studies problems and issues in the computer industry, on the internet and about everywhere else. Where feasible or where demanding, we try to take steps to help solve the problems.

2. Public Policies? - We watch public policy that directly affects our industry and society as a whole, including the laws, the trends, and those who break the laws or exceed the trends.

3.  Electronic Ethics? -  We observe, study and make recommendations for standards that apply to corporate, business, legal, computational, and communications ethics, and monitor those who violate such standards, particularly in areas directly affecting the computer industry, but not solely limited to the computer industry.

4. Articulum Digital Libraries? - From it's infancy in 1989, this project has grown dramatically, what it does: we promote the organization of FREE and SUBSCRIPTION DIGITAL LIBRARIES and COLLECTIONS.   Included among the "Articula" we value are:  historical records, multimedia (such as Film Libraries, Radio Recordings and TV Broadcast Recordings, along with Artistic Recordings of any kind), artifactual libraries (representations of objects in digital form rendered from the original, for preservation past the expected lifespan of such objects), Published Books and Public Records, Government Repositories, Technology Records, USPTO.gov, Language Libraries, Law Libraries, Geophysical and Astronomic Libraries and so on, all easily accessible from the Web.  We are also promoting the TRUE CENTRAL DIRECTORY for the Internet, URL411.com.

5.  Historical Verification Project? - For many years, our own industry labored under the misconception that Univac Corporation had invented the programmable electronic computer, and that it used an architecture first visualized by Alan Turing.  In fact, Alan Turing had nothing to do with it.  But under the cloak of WWII Secrecy, Sir Thomas Flowers invented 10 programmable electronic computers, known as Colossus, in another part of the British Decoders Station X at Bletchley Park. His brainchild, first visualized for use in the British Telephone Establishment in the 30's, Sir Tommy Flowers is the true father of the programmable electronic computer and its inventor.  After discovering so fundamental a flaw in the history of our own industry, we set about verifying various historical claims, and noting that Marketing genius often misrepresents "original invention" for "early commercialization", we are compiling a more accurate history of our own Industry.  Since the same thing applies to ALL of recorded History, we created this project.

6.  Clean Energy Projects and Vista? - We are endorsing and supporting many clean energy programs, such as the Interstate Traveler, through our new VISTA? Program - the Very Innovative Science and Technology Advancement program, a new kind of business incubation facility that enhances and simultaneously facilitates the advancement of Startup and SMB businesses who qualify for our assistance.

7.  Computer Companies United Against Terrorism? - We have been spending time and effort analyzing and investigating the potential vulnerabilities of the computer, telecom, datacom, internet and broadcast industries we are a part of, and developing technologies that help eliminate the threat to lives and businesses.  Our "Technology to Fight Identity Theft" program (see our home page) is just one of the many such results.

And there are many more such projects.  We invite you to join ACSA and to help us.  Any contribution is appreciated and it can be treated as a charitable donation!  To make a charitable donation CLICK HERE.


Originally founded two decades ago, ACSA today has a modest sized staff and management team, as follows:

a) Chairman Dr. Edward G.V. Englebart, PhD. 
Heidelberg Germany born former associate director of Ruprecht-Karls-University of Heidelberg and a former co-designer of the operating software for the "Sentient Machine" with Dr. Jack Shulman at Sentium Corp, Dr. Englebart became Chairman of the ACSA in July and took office in September of 2005.  He is presently overseeing the special investigations program that cover Sentient Machine Mechanics, the History of the Cold War Technology Boom, and the role played in international affairs that affected technology development by such major business families as the Astors, the Rockefellers, the Gettys, the Baruchs, the Seimens, the Rothschilds and many others, stemming from a major book he is working on.  Fluent in 15 languages, Dr. Englebart is active in the philanthropies and with programs involving the United Nations.  Dr. Englebart frequently returns to University of Heidelberg to teach mini-courses on advanced operating software for connectionist and supercomputing platforms.  A consultant to companies such as Seimens, Fujitsu, Intel, Microsoft and Sun Microsystems, Dr. Englebart was also a former student of Dr. Shulman's at ACSA University where he studied advanced matrix and geodesic network machine design.

b) Co Chairman,  Dr. Jack A. Shulman (on Sabbatical).  On a year long sabbatical from the Association Management to care for a family member and help out Joe Davenport run CompAmerica, New Jersey born, Jack is a Rutgers University Graduate with over 35 years experience, starting with Bell Labs as an intern in his youth, where he developed Bellix and the B language for a project involving management of communications for the United States Nuclear Arsenal, today's Unix and Linux and C Languages are direct commercial derivations, as are descendent language syntaxes used in Perl, Awk, Lex, Yacc, CShell, BorneShell and Java language/Javascript.  Jack has, during his career, invented a nearly not recount able repertoire of new hardware and software.  Such includes symmetrical multiprocessing in 1976, the first "windows": FFTS in 1974, the first designs for the IBM PC and MAC during a project for Singer that later migrated to IBM and APOLLO COMPUTER, and came to be known as the IBM President's Club "Office of the Future" in 1980 and 81. Jack invented a decisive macro reduction language widely used in numerical control, and the first known promotion of the concept of computation + video + internet + online hosting, to the Chairman's Picturephone Computation Project at Bell Research Laboratories in the late 1960's, later renamed the BellMAC project and UNIX PC in the early 70's- before the Bell System's deregulation and breakup, and its evolution into Infomaster and then the modern Internet.  Jack also developed the first known sophisticated computer video game, called Magnatron, in 1970, which used dedicated IBM 360 technology to drive early Tektronics terminals, the first Super Computer Cluster which he created by linking several of IBM's largest mainframe computers of the NJ Educational Computer Network together into a single, heterogeneous computing cluster in 1972, the common Raster to Vector to Polar coordinate Graphics Translation Equations in 1975, first used on Projection Screen displays of Bank Data by Citicorp in it's ALCO War Room in 1976, which also became the basis of the first true Graphic Kernel Standard after he added block fill, shape vectoring and sizing and textures, and the first use of an attached processor to accelerate Video Graphics, using a Data General Eclipse and an attached Data General Nova DCU in 1977, leading to the creation of the very first desktop graphics computer, the Apollo 1, which in 1981 utilized network wide virtual memory concepts first used by Jack in the Super Computer Cluster he had created in 1973 and is still waiting for implementation in a future design of "RPC" for a future Internet, something which may eventually be known as "Virtual Paging Remote Procedure and Device Calls".  His innovative use of multiple computers and advanced software designs in the 1960's, 70's, and 80's is legendary,  along with his visionary work in personal computing this past decade, work he himself began that antedated Jobs, Wozniak, and Gates by more than a decade. In its earliest form, he adapted Wang minicomputers to create the first "Windowed Desktop Personal Computer" for Citibank, and his subsequent work became the roll model for nearly everything that has come since.  For example, after discovering a small, little known company making black boxes (today BLACK BOX CORPORATION) while assigned at Citicorp in 1975, he designed a redundant, fault tolerant, self reconfiguring, self correcting communications computer that they built for him to his specifications, the design for which has been used to manage the communications of Bank Wire, Swift and EFTS systems around the world ever since.  He wrote large pieces, and designed the software that ran the first MasterCard and Travelers Checks automation computers in the mid 70's, and has been fighting for better security and biometrics ever since. He literally invented the notion of Automated Stock Transfer systems writing the first on Series One IBM Minicomputers, and created the first Money Position Monitor for Citibank in 1978.  His multiprocessing arbitration logic is the basis of technology used by Intel for Hyperthreading, AMD for it's multiprocessor CPU chips, Dual Core and Multi-CPU designs used throughout the industry. His early Moving Picture Page Translator for the Apollo Computers that allowed video playback, is used today in one form or other by every Digital Video Codec for MPEG in one form or other. We are extremely proud to have Jack with us, as despite the fact that the General Public knows little about him, he is one of the spiritual founders and leading innovators of the Computer Industry.  The above are but a few of his many innovations in technology which efforts continue right through to the present day.  He is the Inventor of LINK256(Lambda), one of the most sophisticated pieces of classified encryption, decryption and system monitoring security packages ever written, a package which for several decades has stymied the most sophisticated minds at companies like Computer Sciences Corp to penetrate, that uses "Longest Number Possible Theory" and "HyperDimensional Similarity" to create impenetrable firewalls around data that make encryption a focal point in national security software when modeled for implementation purposes. He also developed the architecture of real time disparate coordinated asymmetrical supercomputing that is used to fly such advanced warplanes as the B-2 and the experimental TAW, as well as full 3-D simulation of flight that allows remote operators to fly such planes without being on board...  Jack is single and is also well known for his theoretical work in the Energy Physics of Gravity "Pressure", and Tiny Mass in Light, which have been controversial math and science since he first expounded on them in the early 70's due to their ongoing conflict with past physics theories about light and gravity, some of which his earliest papers are reproduced in our library.  He is also the father of the AI theory known as "Cognition, Abstraction, Inference and Abduction/Induction Cubed", which explains the method used by the human mind to reason and allows those methods to be adapted to computer automation such that at some future date, implementation of sentient computers should be possible. His recent works include the development of the N-Alkane Silver Thiozole Junction Twin Triode Semiconductor, a semiconductor device that manipulates light reflectivity and electrons at rates approaching 2 million billion operations per second, roughly 250,000 times faster than the speed today's fastest individual microprocessors are capable of.

c) Vice Chairman, Andrew Vanoceur. Canadian born Dr. Vanoceur is one of the original code developers of the CPM operating system, and worked on development of Atari computers and gaming systems during his early career. A wildlife enthusiast and environmentalist, he works and lives in a suburb of Los Alamos, NM, where he has also provided consultative services to among other clients, Los Alamos National Laboratory, for whom he has provided advanced theoretical work in the design of software that predicts the statistical probability of failure in Nuclear devices.  Dr. Vanoceur's term is renewed annually, this is his second year of service as Vice Chairman.  Dr. Vanoceur lives in the outdoors 9 months a year, is a naturalist and an environmentalist, and prides himself on conservation and the protection of endangered species.  Three months a year he spends hosting a Natural Resources Study Program at his home on Pikes Peak, which is frequently visited by his next door neighbor, security software pioneer John Mcaffee.

d) Vice Chairman (ret.), Elianna Eaglefeather.  Born of Ojibwe ancestry, First American descendent Elianna is a wizard with long number theory.  She has among her many talents, been a "code breaker" and "philologist" who has clients in the intelligence and government military community.  An outstanding horsewoman, Elianna has broken several cross country racing records.  Living on her ancestral tribe's homeland, Elianna has worked ardently to bring computer technology to first American homes and schools.  Elianna has addressed Congress on the needs of First American children, and the Department of Energy on behalf of the Dine Navaho and the "Am I my brother's keeper" project supporting the rights of the Navaho in Arizona (read here>). She is also patron to the American Indian Web Museum: thechippewah.org.  Elianna is now on temporary personal leave of absence with her Husband.

e) Executive Director, OPEN.

f) Web Grandmaster, Martin Williamson.  Formerly a Sun developer specializing in Java, Martin recently joined ACSA to begin refining how our web base and member services sites function.  He is also an enthusiastic skier and holds a "6-don" Black Belt in Karate.  A force to be reckoned with, Martin has pledged to secure ACSA's databases and various privacy information, beginning with our public website, which he is enhancing as you read!

g) Membership Management Director, Joy Greenspan.  Formerly a computer remedial instructor and membership services coordinator for the Jewish Family and Vocational Services national organization, Joy and her daughter, Lynda, spend their days managing member programs for ACSA and setting up programs that support Doug's efforts at contacting program sponsors.  Joy is a gifted singer, dancer and actor, as is her daughter, and has appeared on Broadway in her stage name.  Her husband is a business partner with Martin in his private consulting company, and is available to assist Martin in web development!

h)  Chief Librarian. Marvin Simpson. (Bio to be provided soon.)

BOARD OF ADVISORS FOR 2006, NOMINATIONS UNDERWAY.  nominate >             


If you ever wanted to make a difference to the quality of life in our world, then you've come to the right place.  ACSA is committed to causing change in crucial areas such as: health, safety, public awareness, and industry.  Our commitment extends to insuring that everyone has an opportunity and that no cause goes unconsidered. 

Among our work was efforts to identify polonium 210 as the primary cancer causing agent in tobacco, and to find out why certain government regimes who attack humanity seem to always be getting their financial backing from one business family, since 1910.  We've made great strides in advancing the awareness of the public as to the causes of ill health and war, and of some of the vicious cycles that drive our social ills and troubles.

Step 1. To Join, Register. Send us your name, address
and home and work phone,

Or: if you are unable to process a form or secure website with your browser, EMAIL US: Click here to create an Email.

FORM INFO: if your browser won't generate FORMS, and write in your name, home address,  home and work phone, work address  (and fax, if you want). and your reason for wanting to Join.

Step 2. Consider your goals for your membership - do you have a research project or "pro bono" project (for the public benefit) effort in mind? Are you interested in organizing one? When your optional follow up membership application arrives - put your thoughts in writing to us.

Step 3. Please consider giving a reasonable DONATION to ACSA. There is no obligation to do so, membership in the ACSA  is free, membership in the ACSIA (American Computer Science & Industry Association) is inexpensive. But it does cost money to operate a publicly funded research foundation engaged in public projects intended to do some good in the world. So, if you can afford to contribute an additional donation to ACSA, please do: CLICK HERE to make a VOLUNTARY DONATION. We do such good work, help us do it and make a difference.

American Computer Scientists Association Inc. is a non-profit publicly funded private research foundation organized in the state of New Jersey as a non-profit corporation, and an approved 501(c)3 charitable organization. Voluntary Contributions are tax deductible. Please contact our CPA or accountant to determine if your donations may be eligible. If you have any questions, please feel free to call our business office at (908) 272-0016.

American Computer Science Industry Association (ACSIA) is a trade association which engages in member sponsored activities which are coordinated by the ACSIA Board.  It's organizational type is "Trade Association" and it plans to apply for tax exempt status under 501(c)6 at it's earliest opportunity.

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ACSA could also use public support.  Please Donate by pressing the Donate button on our home page
and pledging what you feel you can afford.

? 2005  American Computer Science Association Inc.,     
ATN: A. Vanoceur, Chairman,
General Delivery, Los Alamos,
New Mexico 87544-9999 USA

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