

           Propelling Automotive Efficiency and Clean Propulsion light years beyond...

Devoted to the further promotion and commercialization of the Marble Gyroscopic EMF Drive invented by Dr. Jack A. Shulman in 1988.  All information and know-how incorporated herein is his property, licensable through Shulman Labs (


Combining Dr. Shulman’s MAGLEV GYROSCOPIC MOTOR invention (induction and/or rotational) integrated into a unique MARBLE DRIVE 25-30” Diameter “Tire” (which use tire plate rather than continuous vulcanized surface technology), powered by ground or vehicle brush current, the MARVEL MAGLEV carries the vehicle above it on a 2-10 mm cushion of electro magnetic levitation carefully regulated by onboard systems.


This is exactly the opposite of ordinary maglev, as the tires make contact with the ground, ultimately carrying the workload.  Manipulation of the coil induction drives motivates each of the wheels in any of 360 degrees of direction at speeds capable of propelling (using 4 such drive wheels) 2-3 tons up to 80 miles per hour in a four wheel design, and up to much greater speeds when used with rolling stock such as monorail or elevated bi-rail train systems. This technique leverages the motive force used to create the MAGLEV effect to directly propel the vehicle safely. On board capacitance insures continued operation of the vehicle, while surrounding hemispherical couplers exert an equal and opposite Maglev force towards the Marble GE Drive. Containment is maintained by a constant 192-200 degree surround in the design of the couplers. The sophistication of the power supply and movement control, and braking, requires constant onboard computer control of the entire propulsion system. 


Braking is engaged using a dynamic locking effect which can be exerted to the point of bringing the entire drive motionless and locked to its Coupler using enabling magnetic force.


Safety of the design represents a significant step forward in vehicle advancement; failure of the drive simply brings the vehicle to an immediate halt. Force can be used to elevate one wheel sufficiently that three remaining wheels can carry the vehicle to a repair station at reduced speeds.  Replacement of the failed components is simple, unlocking the inflation allows the wheel/tire/motor unit to be completely removed and replaced in 5 minutes, allowing it to be repaired and recycled, without messy consequences.


Titanium sub-frames and liquid inflation insure that the spherical tire containing the Maglev Gyroscopic Motor technology rolls smoothly. Potential Vehicle overturn is also minimized.  In Military Applications, numerous such Marvel Maglev Motor/Tires could support a Tank Vehicle and traverse the ground over virtually any kinds of terrain at speeds in excess of 120 MPH, while reducing vulnerability ordinary Tread systems have, by providing significant redundancy even in the face of aggressive fire fights.  A service vehicle can replace individual Marvel Drives in minutes, in the case of 16 Drives, in under an hour.


Powered solely by high current, medium voltage electricity, the normal source for which would be hydrogen fuel cell technology, or “following” pulse ground current supplied by Dynamo Generators powered from Hydro, Fossil or other sources.  Another key aspect is the elimination of centralized propulsion within the vehicle, bringing the predominant weight of the power system right into the Wheels themselves, reducing ground handling problems while increasing propulsion system efficiency.


Estimates of power state that a typical 24-30 inch Marble GE Drive system could supply approximately 200 horsepower per Drive-tire (MAX) and 50 horsepower per Drive-tire (MIN), not including MAGLEV induction to carry work loads.


The Marvel Maglev system is superior to traditional maglev solutions, in that it requires no traditional Maglev Rail nor superconductivity, and because it provides a minimum friction co-efficient to the ground surface while “taking its MAGLEV with it”, the inverse of ordinary MAGLEV.  In Rail applications, the Marble GE Drive Tires can be elevated along a curved surface further reducing friction and adapting the Bernoulli effect to mass reduction at high speeds.


When looking at illustrations below, which are provided only to hint at the potential, please note that the largest difference between this drive system and vehicles in recent entertainment visualized below, is that the Tire system used by the MARBLE GE DRIVE contains the entire motor propulsion unit WITHIN the Tires themselves, as described above


Dr. Shulman has granted this website a limited right to publish information about his work, in support of seeking its commercialization.


For more information, kindly email us.



(Please note that the only vehicles depicting spherical tires we’d been able to find in the public sector, are those from the stunning Aud Concept Car, the RSX, and the film which depicted it in action, I ROBOT, starring Will Smith.  Presumably, this vehicle uses conventional, combustion engine and running gear.)




Noted Actor Will Smith exits a spherically tired Audio in the recent film “I Robot”.



AUDI’S Depition of the Concept Car, the RSX





NOTE: Pictures of the AUDI RSX concept vehicle are provided simply as a means to visualize a vehicle with spherical tires and do not suggest any relationship to Audi Motor Cars, nor that the RSX in any way incorporates the technology invented by Dr. Shulman.