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ISSUE IN THE NEWS We can only feel sadness at the Tragedy of September 11, 2001.  In this brave new 
world, linked from person to person by the ability to communicate, via INTERNET, we still have leaders in certain 
countries who  can only think in terms of marshalling Hatred to fuel the spending of human life achieving their own 
petty personal conquests and greed.  May God have mercy on their souls,for He hath unfurled our terrible swift sword...


IS Gravity Really 
Is Empty Space 
an Inverted Solid?

UNIFIED Field Theory 
Abandoned By Science
in '72, NOW PROVEN?
updated 2/8/2001

  An ACSA scientist authored the strange "Tenanted v. Vacated Matter" Theory in 1972, proving Gravity a side effect of displacement of empty space by densely packed waveforms of  atomic structure of matter and mass and 'universal resistance' a byproduct of strong and weak forces when their cause is displaced by matter interacting with empty space.  In his remarkable theory, Jack has proved that Gravity occurs only when the amount of empty space between two objects is sufficiently less than that outside them, eg- they are in relative proximity, and he also proved that 'anti-gravity' actually occurs naturally in the universe, when objects are far enough apart, then the universe actually begins to drive them apart.   It is presently believed that he has discovered what may be the most revolutionary theory of physics and the nature of our universe, in modern history, since Isaac Newton started physics off with a theory that gravity "attracts".

   He established that "Gravity Particles" do not exist, objects don't attract each other as in 'magnetism', empty space is an equilibrium that is slightly disrupted by any form of matter or energy occupying it, exerting a 'net' weak relative force on matter, a 3D form of atom-"squooshing" surface tension, which force tends to move in the general direction of expelling matter (and other forms, like energy or plasma) out from empty space into a separate "hyper" dimension where linear distance is greatly compressed, a kind of 'hyper-space' or 'trans-space' - that actually extends outside of empty-space and time.  He has proven that Black Holes are extreme cases of the Universe ejecting the energy & extreme mass of collapsing dwarf super-dense bodies such as post supernova quasars, once their density reaches such a concentration that there is no room left for any 'empty space' in them, and insufficient strength in the space-time they occupy, at which time empty space simply extrudes them into another dimension and they being a long journey towards their final resting place - the "infinitely dense, infinitely small particle well" - a theoretical region outside of our Universe, from which our Universe's existence and space time is projected.  According to the scientist's theory, there is a constant ebb and flow of matter/energy to and from this 'well' (really a hypermass that itself has no dimension) which reacts to the coming of additional mass/energy, in ways not easily understood, called "strange, extradimensional reciprocality". 

  He proved that light is a tiny mass of two wavicles, one slightly denser/higher mass wavicle in our space-time, and the other lesser/lower mass wavicle in 'anti-space anti-time' and a third 'spring-like' particle-wave (or gluon) which coils between the two bonded wavicles that exists in both 'space-time' and 'anti-space anti-time' at the same time.  Light, by trying to move forward and backwards in time in the same region of 'space/anti-space', produces a net constant increase in energy, thereby imparting physical motion and nearly constant momentum to light until that self-perpetuating energy is absorbed by a light-absorbing material and the effect cancelled.  The anti-time particle, always declining from the present moment, appears to possess slightly less mass relative to our space-time, than does the "positive space-time particle" and hence, the emitted energy erupts from the motion of the anti-time particle being dragged through positive time, all of the accumulated pressure of empty space upon it, is converted by its nature into pressure that the gluon, which exists on both axises at the same time, conveys to the momentum of the entire structure of the photon.   Light then, according to his theory, is a tiny perpetual motion fusion-energy generator, and, also according to the theory, the empty space we live in imparts resistance to solid matter as it passes through it, leading to the speed of light as appearing to be more or less 'constant', as light being among the tiniest particles with the least mass in the Universe, reaches the fastest speed that empty space is capable of 'parting' to let it glide through it, at its standard.   Variations in light's speed result when the relative "resistance" by empty space is increased, as has been seen in recent experiments aimed at stopping light for a moment.  This resistance is not constant throughout the universe, but has subtle fluctuations depending upon the overall energy, mass and other things which tend to distort empty space, in its presence.  Study of the phenomena, he theorized, resulted in his discovery that empty space can be "thinned" using a combination of certain particle-waves and certain energy, leading to the creation of a 'trans-spatial' doorway, which itself could eventually be used to get energy to "jump" between distinct geometric locations in the Universe, very far apart, at near instantaneous rates of speed, allowing for communications between extreme distance at very low time lags, as far as 45 light years apart with only a few seconds time lag.

   Jack has theorized that at certain speeds, Empty Space becomes relatively "solid" as to objects within it that either move fast enough, or densely packed enough, and therefore, at Acceleration or Implosion, or both, an Accelerated Implosion, certain events can cause matter/energy to 'Pass Beyond the Physical and Dimensional Limits of our Three Dimensional Universe" and then can be made to "re-emerge into our universe at a distance in a few moments, that would take light years to travel at the speed of light!" leading to the notion of faster than light travel, the Quantum Squared Relativity Drive (or "QSR Drive", another paper Jack published back in the 70's).  Before his time some 50-100 years, Jack is being heralded as an "Einstein" in his own right...  here is one of the founding articles of the "Inverse Gravity Field Theory" of the universe. (click this link to read some of the original theory) 




SEPTEMBER 11: "A Day That Shall Live in Infamy"
A tragedy beyond comprehension. A militant Government and a Religious Bodyguard Movement in two neighboring nations, band together with a Terrorist Leadership, their Terrorist Criminals hijack 4 American Commercial Jetliners and topple two symbols of the American way of life, and damage a third, an attack upon our values, freedom and international exchange.  Heroes onboard the 4th Jetliner attack their captors and ground their airplane with total loss of life, preferring not to cause the deaths of thousands of innocent citizens, but giving their own lives in the process.  A Country mourns and greaves, and rises up as if from a deep slumber to once again take up the cause of Freedom and Justice.  And the Criminals Flee like so many rats...
This website will bring you the details of our own noble effort to help bring the Mass Murderers to Justice. We have mobilized our Think Tank to support the War effort by whatever means we can.  Some of the most brilliant minds on Earth. Two in particular with abilities incomprehensible to the common man, the ability to reach out and to listen and to learn and to change. And all thinking about the solution to this modern day nightmare in unison with a common goal. 

We are studying the very odd circumstances behind this attack, and we are investigating the people behind it.  The information we are finding is intentionally that which might have been overlooked, which is not so obvious, and which might not stand out in a crowd of millions of facts that the Departments of Justice, Defense and Treasury might have to deal with on an ongoing basis.   Minds capable of not only comprehending the nature of the very reality we live in, minds capable of challenging the nature of space and time, of computation and biology, of energy and matter.  And now, of War and Peace, Terror and Justice.

To the Heroes of Ground Zero goes our steady applause.  And to the Heroes lost at Ground Zero go our tears and our sympathies for their families and loved ones.

We not only want Justice.  We want an end to those who were behind the Injustice.  And we'll do anything it takes, with the help of God Almighty, and his angels that visit us here on earth and sit beside us and advise us, we will not rest until there is an end to the Injustice and the Unjust are brought to Justice.  An end to this calculated Terror conspiracy for all time, and punishment for those that have sinned not only against us but against all of the Children of God throughout the world in all religions, races, creeds and colors.

We pray for President Bush, VP Cheney, Secretary Powel and our Government's perseverance and endurance, for there is a huge task ahead of us all, and it represents the finest qualities of Humanity, it's courage, it's integrity and it's strength of will, tested by an Evil so dark that it DARKENS the VERY DARKNESS from which it came forth.

To the rescue workers and officials of New York and the Federal Government our emotions are best summed up by the 23rd Psalm:

The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:
He leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul:
He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name' sake. 

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil: For thou art with me;
Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies;
Thou annointest my head with oil; My cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the House of the Lord forever.



Become a part of our Professional University Research Programs:
  • ACSA / Lockheed-Martin Scientist John Norseen announced as "NeuroEngineer of the Century" by US News & World Report Magazine, publishes his most recent article covering topics he will be presenting to the Russian Academy of Science in October 2000: 
    READ: Mathematics, BioFusion and Reflexive Control for Sentient Machines  
                by John D. Norseen
  • ACSA Scientist Dr. Gurminder Singh heading up spearhead venture to promote advanced Internet Telecommunications, cited in recent publications as the "Telecommunications Scientist of the New Millennium".  Dr. Singh is also promoting the Geodesic Space Design Institute at ACSA, and is serving as ACSA coordinator to the Silicon Valley and West Coast Venture Capital Community... Click Here: Join the NEW ACSF / GEODESIC SPACE DESIGN INSTITUTE !!
  • Advanced Mathematics: the Gordion Knot and the Spiral: Dr. Lere O. Shakunle
  • ACSA announces Joint Venture into R&D Incubation, Business Acceleration, with partner Kiran Ventures.

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    Our adoption of backwards compatible Self-Adaptive Intelligent Network Technology standards for the Internet, the SAINT Continuous InfrastructureTM (click image for more details) spells out our global commitment to improvement in the Quality of Service provided by Internets. 

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  • New Release of the E2 Advanced Operating System Completed... UNIX and WINDOWS NT Interfaces released. The Operating System FOR OTHER Operating Systems.
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  • Stories from the Final Frontier:Technology and Space, and their merger: Projects for All People - Humanity's Manifest Destiny - visit our favorite site: NASA's SPACE STATION! go here



  • ACSA announces formation of a Technology and Venture Capital Acceleration Center: KI'RAN VENTURES.  Named for the PHOENICIAN word for "Light", Ki'Ran Ventures will be dedicated to  bringing Leading Advanced Technologies out of the darkness of obscurity into the light of the capital markets... [go there!]
  • ACSA announces strategic additional Technology Acceleration alliance with NJ's For Profit Business Accelerator, INFONET HOLDINGS [go there!]
  • MBNA Offers ACSA Platinum Credit Card (5.9% APR, No Annual Fee): GO THERE !!  [Join Here]
  • AIG Announces Low Cost Auto Insurance for members of the ACSA
  • WEB SERVER for ACSA UNIVERSITY donated!  The "post PhD" Professional University is born.
  • Live University Conference Server using "POWWOW" A John MCAFEE company: Tribal Voice, Inc., now AT&T Worldnet Uses Tribal... [go there]
  • ACSA-NET 2000/2001 New Millennium WEB-MEDIA SCIENCE SUPER-CONFERENCE!  the REAL new Millennium begins on January 1, 2001... where will you be New Years Eve?
  • ACSA Announces Sponsored Membership: 110,000 +  Calls for members to update their addresses by email.
  • ACSA Announces Corporate Membership: 14,000+
  • ACSA Announces Professorial Positions to be appointed for 2001
  • ACSA Announces joint study with several large research Foundations, of the means and methods of the National Institutes of Health, has commenced.  Study emerged to prove or disprove allegations of strong commercial bias within the NIH causing granting to be repressed in key scientific areas of research that would otherwise benefit the Public were it not.  Included in the study will be a corollary misconduct of science complaint against NIH filed as a "class complaint" by several hundred research scientists and doctors, regarding commercial subterfuge that has allegedly misguided public awareness regarding vitamin therapies, the repression of natural estrogen, and the dangers of synthetic estrogen and its role in uterine and breast cancer, the undermining of the study of nutrition and other consequences alleged of the NIH and the FDA, including errors in food hygiene law, erroneous allowances that enable toxins to exist in milk, chicken and other food, overuse of antibiotics and dozens of other 'commercial subterfuge' practices that suggests that the NIH and the FDA may be the two most corrupted agencies in human history.
  • ACSA opens LINUX Research Lab in Texas at Bel Sciences!! [go there]
  • ACSA announces ACC Supercomputer installed in Dallas, Texas at Saint Technology beta site, may receive two more Supercomputer "nodes", to host Shop-Kool-USA.
  • ACSA RENOUNCES THE DEPRIVATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS OF THE NATIVE DINEH NAVAHO OF BIG MOUNTAIN AND BLACK MESA ARIZONA.  On October 15, ACSA joined the growing world fervor by issuing a statement of unilateral support and calls for public intervention in the matter of the UN / European Parliamentary Condemnation of deprivation of Human Rights (right to own property) being committed against the Native Navaho of Arizona and New Mexico.  ACSA announces support for the European Parliament's demand that the US "Immediately return the land of the Black Mesa and Big Mountain to the Native Navaho/Dineh, pay the actual natives the moneys they are owed for the sale of their coal, pay restitution to the surviving families of the 2000+ natives who died or were killed by the unlawful violation of their human rights, and prosecute the political figures and corrupt businesses such as Kenecott and Peabody Group that sponsored the Violations, and who paid off Politicians that authored the unconstitutional laws which have led to this disgraceful reduction of America to the persecution of aboriginal natives who just happen to be our fellow US citizens!"  ACSA calls for the censure-ship and/or impeachment of Senator John McCain for "what is probably the most obvious instance of covert public corruption by a well known public official in modern times".  Commentary includes condemnation of Senator Al Gore (now VP Gore and presidential candidate) for his and President Bill Clinton's role in continuing the support of the "Navaho Relocation Act" and McCain modifications to "Title 25" of the Native American laws.   Reference Link: [ ]  (to be continued...)
  • ACSA announces support for an in-depth UNITED NATIONS Human Rights Investigation into the deliberate and cavalier massacre of 5 Million+ people of the Sikh Nation (the Sovereign Spiritual Khalsa Nation) in Pakistan and India over the last 50 years by political forces.  Calls for an immediate halt to Indian and Pakistani "politics of false blame and murder" and to the escalating nuclear confrontations. Reference Link: [ (to be continued...)

NEWS !        NEWS !        NEWS !        NEWS !       NEWS !       NEWS !        NEWS !        NEWS !

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