Al Qaeda targeting US Airline Traffic Net...  Diverse sources indicate renewed efforts by Al Qaeda to use Jetliners as missiles to attack civilian targets in the US now and in the future.  Holiday attack expected by US DHS Sect'y Ridge...
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Jihad Information Publication DEBKA
calls for Muslims to flee Washington, NYC and LA.  A diverting "pathogen" is reported in Washington Post Offices. Along with Iraq and Israel, Turkey becomes the object of terror bombings in Synagogues, HSBC offices and British Consulate by Al Qaeda and allies.  Meanwhile, intelligence reports that Cargo Jets may be used for suicide attacks or shot down, we tend to agree.  Another 9/11 slowly unwinding before our eyes?
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  • An American Turncoat  Why is Wesley Clark running?  Because Jay Rockefeller and Bill Clinton say so! Former General Clark turns on the leadership that fired him in Kosovo in a violation of his own oath of conduct...
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