IT TO HIM DIRECTLY.                                                    September 30, 2002
Honorable Robert E. Byrd, US Senator
Senate Office Building,
Washington, D.C., USA
RE: On man's opinion based upon factual observation of Al Qaeda, Al Aqsa and Parvez Musharraf (and his Heroin Trading, Terrorism Enterprise), Hamas, Hezbollah and the Ayatollas, Il Jihad, Arafat's PLO and Saddam Hussein. Three elements of the impending surprise Terrorism-attack on Washington, D.C.: "Try, Try Again - The Little Bin Laden Terrorist who Could."
Dear Senator Byrd,
Did it not occur to you, Senator Daschle, and your peers in the majority, that maybe, just maybe there is a lesson to be learned from Ramsey Yusef and the Sheik and the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center? I've sat by patiently watching you all debate the Homeland Defense issue now for 13 months, or thereabouts, and in order to try and ward off a serious tragedy that is brewing for you all as you debate issues, some relevant, many extraneous, I'm writing.  Here, let me elaborate, and I certainly hope that despite your seniority that you will not only read this, but will pass on a copy to your peer Senator from West Virginia so he can also alert his cousins David Rockefeller and Lawrence Rockefeller with whom I have some degree of familiarity.
a) The Terrorists may be "led" by Al Qaeda, but they have a diversity of interests, drives and backing politically. And they are quite clearly coordinated by General Musharraf, with support from the Ayatollahs, Saddam Hussein, Yassir Arafat and General Kadaffi.  Consider it like a group of Arabic tribes in the Desert who have massed as allies for war.  And as such, to the extent what they do benefits China, they have China's silent backing and public outcry for their throats.  To the extent what they do benefits OPEC and Saudi Aramco, to that extent, the same thing.  Silent backing and public outcry for their throats (and blaming Israel and you and I all the while).  And then, to the extent it benefits the Mafia that sell General Musharraf's Heroin, to that extent, even in THIS COUNTRY, the Mafia issues a public outcry for their throats, and then continues to pay their  couriers for brown powders and other narcotics which they sell on street corners to our children.
b) Proxy Warfare takes place in slow motion, particularly Terrorism Proxy War, and can cause political debacles if it wants by triggering confrontations that a US of A can't penetrate, like the Pakistani / Indian standoff.  It can also take you by surprise, unless you have a defense for it educated in it's methods.  Without that, it can really hit you wherever it wants.  Flight 93 was aimed for your home away from home, the Capital Dome, to try and kill the Senate and the House.  Imagine had it killed 2,000 people in and around the Capital, what would we all have done without you and Senator Daschle and Kennedy and Spector and... ?  Held another election or something?  State Governors appointing emergency representatives?
c) Proxy Warfare has it's methods.  The modern day Terror Nets who hit us, use "below the radar line" common place white collar crime (stolen credit cards, black market sales of stolen merchandise, Nigerian oil scams, stolen lease money and business fraud) because it's faster than saving up in a Bank Christmas plan out of their earnings at a legitimate job. This requires both Defense and Law Enforcement to coordinate, and look at transactional crimes that normally the FBI doesn't look at (under the $75,000 line) and to coordinate with prosecutors who do look at same, even though these often run across state and country lines.  We can't count on prosecutors in Palestine, Indonesia, Pakistan or Nigeria to prosecute, so we have to find their money laundering and black marketing here in the states, and prosecute it here, or we can't cut of their untraceable cash flow of, very well, can we?
d) Once the Terrorists make a target, if they don't hit it or they hit it and it isn't toppled, they keep on trying, until they topple it completely.  QED, Ramsey Yusef and the WTC in 1993, vs. Mohammed Atta and the WTC in 2001.
From (d), one must construe, that any day, a wild arsed group of lunatic militants might just find a way to fly, or drive, or dig, or secrete, or shoot a huge explosive device into the Capital Dome.
Why would they do that as a priority, you might ask?
Because they are Arabic Militants and it is in their nature, like the story of the Frog and the Scorpion I am very certain you are familiar with, to sting the Frog just as he is in mid-river carrying the Scorpion on his back: e.g.- even though we are economically carrying the middle east on our back and making it possible for Saudi Aramco and the Pakistanis to be vital, exist and survive, just because they FAILED TO KILL YOU and the Senate and House on 9/11/01, is sufficient cause for them to keep trying until they succeed.
Because it is in their nature, being Arabic Terrorists.
As Saddam Hussein will tell you (as would General Musharraf): if at first you don't succeed, try, try again.
It's a code they live by.  Hussein failed to take over Middle Eastern Oil in 1992 during the Gulf War.  Try, Try again, which is why President Bush correctly assesses he will do so again now, since Ramsey Yusef failed to knock over the WTC in 1993, and they already hit and knocked over the WTC in 2001, so time has passed on the clock that says they MUST "try, try again" to attack and get control over Middle Eastern Oil, because they wish to hold the USA and the UN hostage, at their mercy and control oil prices as a powerful tool of conquest.
Meanwhile, it's also only a matter of time before they (the Terrorists) hit the Capital Building with "something"!
Try, try again.  It's in their nature.
Please pass the Homeland Defense Bill ASAP with what the President wants, and then maybe our new Homeland Defense initiative will save the lives of our Senate and House by blocking effectively their efforts to kill you and everyone else in the Capital?
Ok with you that we do that, stop them?
And Please allow us to place as much heat on Saddam Hussein and even intervene if absolutely necessary,  before he takes out Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and any other oil rich nation he can reach with his newly developed mid range ICBM's and his high yield Hemorrhagic Fever or other biological or Nuclear Weapon he can figure out how to mount on the tip of one?  That Uranium the Turkish picked, was leaked as a "phew, we're glad we caught that!"
You should see the supply of weapons grade Uranium Saddam Hussein already has in hand!
Well, see if you can convince the majority to bypass the red tape on this one.  After all, it's been a year, and we still have no homeland defense.  Many people have spent 24 hours a day trying to help stop terrorism since 9/11, because they unwilling to let this country go down without a fight!
But, we need the economic and logistical backing of a valid bill and President Bush pushing to get it operating and in place, or  before very long, we gonna loose our Government, blown all to hell and back again by madmen from Pakistan and Iraq and Iran!
Please take what I'm saying as the Lord's honest truth.  I may be speaking in tones somewhat jocular.
But that, too, is in MY NATURE.
I wouldn't write you if this wasn't so critical a message, that your life and that of everyone in the vicinity of the Senate Floor and House weren't in very grave jeopardy due to the intent by Al Qaeda and Al Aqsa (et al.) and Saddam Hussein to murder every last one of you at their earliest convenience.
Thank you for considering my email!  If you wait too long, the Terrorists will succeed at blowing up the House and Senate and the Capital, and I will no longer be able to reach you. Please act quickly, this country needs a government, not a big, smoking, radioactive hole where one used to be !!


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